About the Club

Club Mission

The Rocky Island Masters Swim Club (ROCKSWIM) is a member club of Masters Swim Canada. Masters Swimming is an adult program designed to encourage fitness through swimming. It offers structured training sessions and provides opportunities to increase physical fitness, improve stroke techniques, receive regular coaching, and participate in social activities.

All members will be registered with Masters Swimming Canada and Swim Newfoundland and Labrador. This brings member benefits including:

  • Insurance for indoor AND open water swimming
  • Million Meter Challenge
  • Competitive swim ranking
  • Participation in Masters meets

Minimum Requirement for Entry into ROCKSWIM Club

Persons seeking entry to the ROCKSWIM club must have a functional freestyle stroke and be able to complete a 500 m swim, taking short breaks as and where needed, in under 13 minutes ( 20 lengths of 25 m).

Expectations of ROCKSWIM Club Members

1) ROCKSWIM members pay an annual membership fee to the Rocky Island Swim Masters Club.

2) ROCKSWIM members are responsible for paying for their own entry to the pool. See Fee Structure below.

3) ROCKSWIM Members are registered with Master Swim Canada and SwimNL and are expected to adhere to Master Swim Canada Rules of Conduct.

2019/2020 Program

Over the 2019/2020 season, the Rocky Island Masters Swim (ROCKSWIM ) Club will organize/provide:

  • Regular coached workouts
  • Fun Swim Challenges – club swim meets
  • Open Water Swimming (in the summer.....)
  • Support from other club members
  • Opportunity to compete as part of the club
  • Social events
  • Underwater video analysis of your swim technique by our coaches
